Mentos Mint Party Pack 150Pk

Mentos Mint Party Pack 150Pk

Forget the single rolls that hold a few Mentos at best. Forget having to fold the paper back over the top Mentos once you've peeled opened the pack. We've gone and solved all your Mentos-related issues with one swift move, and this is it: this pack contains a massive 150 individually wrapped minty Mentos' so you won't be left lacking as far as quantity is concerned, and you won't be concerning yourself about keeping an exposed Mentos fresh. We've covered all the bases, just make sure you get one in your cart while stocks last.


  • Mentos!
  • 150pk - 405gm net
  • Mint
  • Individually wrapped pieces
  • Perfect for the party bowl, the mints bowl or the secret stash
  • Best before 25 Sept 2013