30x60 Mini 126m/1000m Optical Military Folding Binoculars Telescope

30x60 Mini 126m/1000m Optical Military Folding Binoculars Telescope

U specifications: 30 x 60 blossoms ;
Taken the view: 126 m / 1000 m ;
Taken the Field: 7.2 degrees ;
Taken the built-in wide ;
Angle lens To end an exit pupil diameter: 3 mm ;
To end an exit pupil distance: 11 mm ;
Taken the closest: 3 m ;
Taken the focusing type: central focusing system + on the right side of the eyepiece ;
Taken the objective lens coating: senior multilayer optical red membrane, excellent eye protector and difference ;
Taken the eyepiece coating: increases the pervious to light film, view clear and comfortable U super light appear a rate, suitable for use at night all-weather telescope ;
Taken the handheld devices delicate shape, the effect is better than "big man" telescope, 9 cm long, width is 6 cm. ;