3x Nature Island 33cm Hanging Small Blocks n Knots Bird Pet Interactive Cage Toy

Nature Island
3x Nature Island 33cm Hanging Small Blocks n Knots Bird Pet Interactive Cage Toy

3x Nature Island Small Blocks and Knots

Nature Island Small Blocks and Knots is an excellent small-sized bird toy that offers a fun and secure way for birds to exercise their beaks and feet.

This toy is simple to play with and highly shreddable, making it ideal for birds of all ages and abilities.

The cardboard blocks are a great component of this toy, as they provide a sturdy material that birds can chew and shred to their heart’s content.

The smooth tops and bottoms of the blocks make them easy to grip and move around, while the intriguing sides provide a unique texture for birds to explore.

The vibrant cotton rope knots around the quick link and continues through the center of the toy, ending with a knot and bundle of colorful cotton fray.

This fray is perfect for pets to exercise their preening instinct, which is an essential part of their overall grooming and health.

The quick link connector allows for easy hanging from a cage bar or structure, making it effortless to move and adjust the toy as needed.

**Dimensions Approx:**33 x 9 cm


3 x Hanging Toy