A Brief Introduction to the Semitic Languages (Gorgias Handbooks)

Gorgias Press
A Brief Introduction to the Semitic Languages (Gorgias Handbooks)

With a written history of nearly five thousand years, the Semitic languages comprise one of the world's earliest and longest attested families. This volume provides an overview of this important language family, including both ancient and modern languages. After a brief introduction to the history of the family and its internal classification, subsequent chapters cover topics in phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. Each chapter describes features that are characteristic of the Semitic language family as a whole, as well as some of the more extraordinary developments that take place in the individual languages.

Publisher: Gorgias Press

Published: United States, 1 July 2010

Format: Paperback, 112 pages

Age Range: 0+

Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 0.7 centimeters (0.10 kg)

Writer: Rubin, Aaron D.