Alan Moore's Writing For Comics : Volume 1

Alan Moore
Alan Moore's Writing For Comics : Volume 1
Alan Moore's Writing For Comics : Volume 1
ISBN: 9781592910120
Publication Date: 23 June 2003

The writer who revolutioniezd modern comic book storytelling, Alan Moore (Hugo-Award winning author of Watchmen) provides his guide to crafting graphic stories. Perfect for Moore fans, creative writers of all media, and librarians!

Alan Moore, Hugo-Award winning author of Watchmen and the acknowledged master of comic book writing, shares his thoughts on how to deliver a top-notch script! An essay originally written in 1985 to appear in an obscure British fanzine (right at the time that Moore was reshaping the landscape of modern comics), Writing for Comics was lost to time until its collection in these pages, expanded with a brand new essay by the author on how his thoughts on writing have changed in the two decades since.

An insightful and eye-opening look into a brilliant creative mind, perfect for Moore devotees and fiction writers of all literary forms looking to hone their craft.

About the Author

Alan Moore is widely considered to be the greatest comic book writer of all time. With over thirty years dedicated to the medium, his body of work includes Watchmen (the best-selling graphic novel in history), From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Swamp Thing, Tom Strong, Promethea, V for Vendetta, and Lost Girls, just to name a few.He is the nine-time winner of the Eisner Award for Best Writer, and recipient of a Hugo Award. Avatar Press has published numerous Moore projects in recent years, including his seminal guide to graphic storytelling, Writing for Comics. His other Avatar projects include Hypothetical Lizard, Yuggoth Cultures, and the highly anticipated Fall 2011 release, Neonomicon.