Bean Bush - Redland Pioneer seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Bean Bush - Redland Pioneer seeds

Bean Bush - Redland Pioneer seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris
Pack: 25 seeds, 25g, 100g, 400g, 1kg

Redlands Pioneer is an old favourite flat bean that was bred in Australia, high yielding, fresh market bean with great flavour.

It has been the industry standard for flat beans. It is very reliable, has great taste, and is resistant to most garden pests that attack other beans. It produces light green stringless pods that are a favourite for home gardeners.

The pods mature in 9-11 weeks. The plants have a dwarf growing habit with light green semi-flat pods with light strings. The pods grow 15-16cm in length. Direct sow the seeds 15cm apart in rows that are 45cm apart. Gently push the seed into the soil, cover lightly, firm down and water. Poor germination generally reflects over-watering and is exhibited by rotting seeds. Beans are a nitrogen-fixing crop so add lime, dolomite or wood ash before placing the seed in the row. This will ensure a good crop.