Bean Bush - Redlands Greenleaf seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Bean Bush - Redlands Greenleaf seeds

Bean Bush - Redlands Greenleaf seeds

Phaseolus vulgaris
Pack: 25 seeds, 25g, 100g, 400g, 1kg

Bean Redland Greenleaf was bred in Australia to suit the cooler growing time of spring and autumn. This popular home gardener favourite bush bean has 15-17cm long mid to light green flat pods. It is a flat (snap or french) bean variety with a slight string as it matures.

Pick young pods regularly so they are stringless and to promote regrowth. Prolific cropping and as such produces over a long period.

Sowing time - Spring after danger of frost has passed and early summer. Prefer sunny position, sow 3cm deep, emerge 7-10 days at 18-30oC. Harvest in approx. 58-65 days.