Billy Slater: Show & Go

Billy Slater
Billy Slater: Show & Go

Billy Slater: Show & Go 

$18.81 for this fantastic book!

Corey learns that great players don't just score points! 

A junior fiction series for boys about a local boys' rugby league team who get special coaching and advice from star NRL player Billy Slater. Corey is one of the best players on team and everyone knows it, especially Corey. While he scores a lot of tries, he doesn't win many friends. Corey thinks his footy skills give him licence to pick on anyone who isn't as good as him, and his teammates are getting sick of it. When he makes a bet with C. C., the West Hill Ravens fullback, things really start to spin out of control. Can team mentor Billy Slater show Corey that great players aren't always the ones that score the most points?