Biopro Aquarium Aqua Fish Tank Air Stone Bubble Bar Wall Airstone Oxygen 8

Biopro Aquarium Aqua Fish Tank Air Stone Bubble Bar Wall Airstone Oxygen 8

Aquarium Bar Air Stone 20cm

All life forms require a certain amount of oxygen to live and aquatic species are no exception. Aerated water plays a big part in ensuring the health of your fish and aids their ability to withstand stress and disease. Aeration also helps maintain water quality and improve the performance of your filtration system.

The BioPro Air Stones are an easy and efficient way to introduce a large dose of air bubbles into your aquatic environment. The fine pores make sure that many bubbles are generated which are easily absorbed and create circulation in your tank which helps to exchange dissolved gasses in your fish tank.

Well, oxygenated water is beneficial to cold water, tropical and marine fish as well as all other living underwater creatures.

The Biopro Aquarium Bubble Bar Air Stones are ideal for adding much-needed oxygen to your aquarium while giving amazing effects. Biopro Aquarium Bubble Bar Air Stones come in a variety of different sizes and will suit just about any aquarium need.