Clark Gesner The Jello Is Alw -Gesner, Clark CD

Clark Gesner The Jello Is Alw -Gesner, Clark CD
Clark Gesner The Jello Is Alw -Gesner, Clark Artist: GESNER, CLARK

1. The Jello Is Always Red
2. Hey There, Let's Have A Little Fun
3. You're The One I'm For
4. Resolution
5. Reflection
6. Everything I Buy Was Made In China
7. There's Always Some More Toothpaste In The Tube
8. By The Sea
9. It's Very Warm In Here
10. If I Could
11. The Peanut Butter Affair
12. Hey Buckaroo
13. Chickens
14. Bird's Song (I Like Them)
15. Beautiful Song
16. I'm No Sure
17. You Are
18. I Love A Lad
19. Cool
20. The Chipmunk
21. A Bird In A Cage
22. A Dog Outside A Store
23. Alligators
24. The Ending