Creating a Garden of the Senses: Simple Ways to Use Fragrance, Touch, Sound, Taste and Visual Drama in the Garden, with Over 250 Evocative Photographs

Creating a Garden of the Senses: Simple Ways to Use Fragrance, Touch, Sound, Taste and Visual Drama in the Garden, with Over 250 Evocative Photographs

Step into any garden and unconsciously we step into a sensory experience. A thoughtfully designed garden affects our mood in subtle ways, inviting us in, to look further and linger longer. Plants and shrubs often make their presence felt long before we reach them, with beautiful fragrances carried on the air, the gentle swish of grasses swaying in the breeze, or a brightly coloured bloom to focus our attention. For some people, the enjoyment of gardening is elementary, the pleasure of working with the earth, setting out seeds and watching new plant life germinate into delicious and succulent fruits, or colourful, tactile and scented shrubs. For others, the garden is a place in which to relax in peace and entertain in comfort and privacy; and for children to play in safety. Designing a garden that appeals equally to all the senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and scent - is the inspiration behind this beautiful book. This book will show you how to incorporate sensory elements into the garden, whether planting a fragrant honeysuckle near a window, adding a gently flowing water feature to attract wildlife, or planning beautiful borders to create secret corners, romantic atmosphere or glorious year-round colour. Imagine the captivating scent of herbs and flowers, feast your eyes on a sunny summer border, hear the busy hum of bees, brush past soft foliage and taste sweet fruit freshly picked. A garden can incorporate all these elements whatever its aspect or size.