Daiwa Double Clutch 95SP-G 95mm Hard Body Fishing Lure #Rainbow Trout

Daiwa Double Clutch 95SP-G 95mm Hard Body Fishing Lure #Rainbow Trout

Daiwa Double Clutch 2020 New Colours 95SP 95mm Fishing Lure 2020 New Colours: Takasagi Sakura Suji Brown UV Suji HL Black Red Suji Ghost Black Red Suji Motor Oil Gudgeon Ebi Having attained consistent results over the last decade, the Double Clutch IZM in 75mm and 60mm have built a strong reputation as one of the must have tournament bream lures on the market. In 2016 Daiwa introduces a new size in the Double Clutch range of colors to suit a range of species. This new Daiwa Double Clutch size is quickly gaining grounds as one of the must have impoundment trout trolling and casting lures and being a big fish fish producer, with this is mind there is a superb selection of excellent trout colors/patterns. Not only trout but the Double Clutch 95 will also make an excellent jerkbait for bass, golden perch and sooty grunter in the fresh and also at home for flathead, jacks, estuary perch and plenty of other estuarine species. The Daiwa Double Clutch with its unique bib design and slender profile causes the lure to track straight and deep making this one of the best slim jerk bait around. Featuring Daiwa's Silent Gravity Oscillation system (S-GOS), the lure contains a tungsten weight that slides to the rear of the lure along a wire to shift the weight to the tail to achieve accurate, bullet like casts. Double Clutch IZM 95SP-G dives down to 2 metres on a straight crank and 3 metres when twitched, while it suspends on the pause enticing fish into striking. When retrieved, the S-GOS weight shifts to a position that optimizes the wobble of the lure but when cranked hard and fast, the weight shifts to the front for increased balance and deeper diving. To enhance the finesse appeal of the lure, noise from the sliding weight is minimised by dampening washers that absorb the iDaiwa Double Clutch 95SP-G 95mm Hard Body Fishing Lure #Rainbow Trout