Days That Shaped America Dvd

Shock Records Distribution
Days That Shaped America Dvd

These are the historic events that forever transformed the United States and the world. The tragic and shocking explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger on launch in 1986, broadcast to a shocked audience on live television. The Branch Davidian compound siege in Waco Texas in 1993 - the deadliest single operation in the history of the ATF Bureau. The Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, perpetrated by anti-government extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, which tore apart a race that normally brought thousands of people together. And the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: images forever etched into the memory of a generation, heralding a world changed forever. Survivor interviews, eyewitness accounts and expert testimony bring a compelling humanity and gravitas to the stories of the Days That Shaped America.