Dragon Stone Rock 1kg For Aquatic Fish Tank Aquarium

Dragon Stone Rock 1kg For Aquatic Fish Tank Aquarium

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Dragon Stone Rock 1kg

Enhance the beauty of your planted aquarium with our Dragon Stone Rock, a soft rock adorned with incredible grooves and crevasses meticulously crafted by nature.

  • Varied shades of brown add visual interest to your aquarium
  • Minimal impact on pH levels, ensuring a stable aquatic environment
  • Easy to place within the substrate for effortless aquascaping

Instantly elevate the visual appeal of any aquarium with this stunning Dragon Stone. Particularly popular in iwagumi aquarium setups, where its unique features take center stage while the plants complement the overall design. Renowned Aquascaper Oliver Knott has utilized these rocks to great effect in numerous setups, showcasing their versatility and aesthetic appeal.

Always remember to thoroughly clean the Dragon Stone to prevent any potential impact on your water parameters, ensuring a pristine and healthy aquatic environment for your valued inhabitants.