Frankenstein : A Campfire Graphic Novel

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Frankenstein : A Campfire Graphic Novel

Frankenstein : A Campfire Graphic Novel
ISBN: 9789380028248
Publication Date: 27 July 2010

Man has long had the power to take life, but what will happen when he learns to give it?

Intrigued by this question, young Victor Frankenstein - a devoted student of science - becomes obsessed with the idea of conjuring life out of 'lifeless matter'. Using his formidable skills in chemistry and other sciences, Victor begins to assemble a being from scavenged and stolen body parts.

Once he has fathered a son created by his own science, Victor rejects the hideous creature he has brought to life. Eventually, the creature mounts a campaign of revenge against his creator, struggling to be recognised as a thinking, feeling being.

And so begins the battle between father and son...

First published anonymously in 1818,


was the brainchild of author Mary Shelley. Over the years, this classic tale has been retold many times in several different formats.

Campfire's faithful graphic novel adaptation of


brings an important and timeless story back to life.

About the Author

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was born in London, England on 30th August 1797. She is best known for her novel

Frankenstein which was published in 1818, when she was only 20 years old.

Shelley's interest in scientific fiction was influenced by her father, who was fascinated with developments in scientific thinking during the nineteenth century. This interest was followed by Shelley who would regularly attend scientific lectures in London.

Shelley's later novels never gripped the public's attention as

Frankenstein had; the novel continues to intrigue modern readers, and has been the subject of several books and films.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley died of a suspected brain tumour ...