Free as a Cloud

Bai Bing
Free as a Cloud

Free as a Cloud
ISBN: 9781760360351
Publication Date: 2 May 2017

This is a story about a wild myna who finds himself living in a cage and loses his desire to sing. Although he is well loved and looked after by his owners, Sweetie knows something is missing and dreams of singing once more. Sweetie's journey from jungle to cage to freedom explores longing and the bonds and boundaries of love, and young readers will empathize both with Sweetie who longs to be as free, and his human family who try to help him and must make a difficult decision.

About the Author

Bai Bing has published many children's stories in China and has been awarded the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award and the Chen Bochui International Children's Literature Award, among others.

Yu Rong worked as an illustrator, designer and art teacher before she moved to Cambridge, England. She received the Golden Apple Award at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava in 2013. She now lives in a small village on the outskirts of Cambridge.