Gominimo 12 Air Purifying Bags Activated Bamboo Charcoal Bags for home car shoes

Gominimo 12 Air Purifying Bags Activated Bamboo Charcoal Bags for home car shoes

Features- Bamboo Charcoal to the Rescue
The GOMINIMO 12 Packs Bamboo Charcoal Air Purifying Bags can absorb 10 times more odor than other products, thanks to the bamboo charcoal's high porosity and surface area. They can purify the air and get rid of musty smells easily. For maximum effect, use multiple bags in larger spaces.

  • No Smell, No Problem
    These charcoal bags are made from natural bamboo charcoal that deodorizes your shoes without any chemicals or artificial scents. They leave no residue behind and are safe for your health and the environment.
  • One Bag, Many Uses
    These charcoal bags can be used in various places to absorb moisture and eliminate odors. You can put them in your shoes, closet, gym bag, car, fridge, bathroom, litter box, or anywhere else that needs freshening up.
  • Reuse, Recharge, Recycle
    These charcoal bags can last up to 2 years with proper care. Just recharge them under sunlight for 2 hours every month and they will keep working effectively. After 2 years, you can recycle them as fertilizer for your plants.
    For best results, expose these charcoal bags to sunlight for 3-5 hours before using them.

Package Details- **Package Dimension:**28 x 26 x 7cm

  • **Package Weight:**0.9kg
  • **Package Contents:**12 x Air Purifying Bags