Grillz Fire Pit Charcoal Vintage Campfire Burner Rust Outdoor Steel Bowl 70CM

Grillz Fire Pit Charcoal Vintage Campfire Burner Rust Outdoor Steel Bowl 70CM

Standing like a well-seasoned outdoor art installation, the Grillz Rustic Fire Pit is a definite conversation piece. With its lovely patinated finish and texture, the fire it looks as good as it performs. Providing a heartwarming experience for all who gathers around it for any event under the cool night sky. Or even during the day. The 70cm deep dish bowl and stand ensemble allows ample space for plenty of coal or firewood to keep the fire going. Designed to be heat, frost and corrosion-resistant, the sturdy and durable fire pit is ready to light up your lifestyle with cherish moments in every season.

Features - Mild custom natural rust finish

  • 70cm large deep dish bowl
  • Portable
  • Large burning capacity
  • Wood or charcoal
  • High-heat enabled