Hiroshige: Plum Garden (Foiled Pocket Journal) - Notebook / blank book

Flame Tree Publishing
Hiroshige: Plum Garden (Foiled Pocket Journal) - Notebook / blank book

Product detail - Author: Flame Tree Studio | ISBN-13: 9781786641038 | Format: Notebook / blank book Publisher: Flame Tree Publishing | Publication Date: 2017-01-18 | Pages: 176 | Product Dimensions: 111.252 x 152 x 15mm | Weight: 181g |

Part of a series of exciting and luxurious Flame Tree Notebooks. Combining high-quality production with magnificent fine art, the covers are printed on foil in five colours, embossed, then foil stamped. And they're powerfully practical: a pocket at the back for receipts and scraps, two bookmarks and a solid magnetic side flap. These are perfect for personal use and make a dazzling gift. This example features Hiroshige's Plum Garden