Horse's Health Problem Solver : Easy Access to Sound Veterinary Advice

Roberta Baxter
Horse's Health Problem Solver : Easy Access to Sound Veterinary Advice

Horse's Health Problem Solver : Easy Access to Sound Veterinary Advice
ISBN: 9780715318010
Publication Date: 1 September 2005

When their horse or pony is ill or injured, owners need a reliable source of information to help choose the best course of action and to assess whether to call the vet out or not.

Clearly structured in a question-and-answer format, this problem-solving guide will provide peace of mind for all anxious horse owners. Taking the reader through basic healthcare, feeding, exercise, first-aid, and common diseases, this guide provides all the information needed to keep horses healthy and happy.

Photographs and practical tips help readers translate information into action, enabling readers to examine, assess, and treat their horses appropriately.

About the Author

Roberta Baxter MRCVS was brought up on a small farm where she had ponies and horses from an early age. After studying Veterinary Medicine at Christ's College, Cambridge, she qualified as a vet in 1993 and has worked in a first-opinion practice in Norfolk doing mainly equine veterinary work ever since. She also writes regularly for the canine and equestrian press. Roberta lives in Thetford, Norfolk.