More Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy

Lynda Hudson
More Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy

More Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy
ISBN: 9781845903916
Publication Date: 20 July 2010

This book covers: Anxiety; Panic Attacks; Phobias; Sexual problems; Breaking habits; Sporting performance; Managing dyslexia and related social stigma; Essential tremor; Tics and twitches; Urinary incontinence; IBS; Pain control; Preparation for and recovery from childbirth; Sleeping difficulties; Speaking in groups, meetings, conferences, etcetera; Enhanced business performance; Preparation and recovery from surgery and illness; Coping with mild to moderate depression; and, Recovering memory (not recovering traumatic memory). Also included is the use of Hypnotic Language and suggestions for varying scripts for particular clients. This volume is an outstanding complement to Roger Allen's now classic "Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy" ISBN: 9781904424215 and will be welcomed by beginner and experienced practitioners alike.