New York Cocktail Infusion Mixer Blue Dream 120g

New York Cocktail Infusion Mixer
New York Cocktail Infusion Mixer Blue Dream 120g

No need to be a professional mixologist to recreate your favourite cocktails! Thanks to New York Cocktail Infusion Mixers, all you need to do is add alcohol, let it infuse and serve it up to impress your guests. This mix is easy to prepare and can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks - here's to a great night in!


  • New York Cocktail Infusion Mixer 120g
  • Flavour: Blue Dream
  • Makes 700mL
  • Just add vodka (not included)
  • Comes with strainer
  • Requires refrigeration after adding alcohol
  • Easy to prepare - instructions included
  • Great for home parties