Parenting is Forever : Parenting is Forever

Elizabeth Green
Parenting is Forever : Parenting is Forever

Parenting is Forever : Parenting is Forever
ISBN: 9781742589565
Publication Date: 1 November 2017

'Believe and trust in your children. But most of all, be kind.'

Parents ask, 'Why are children so anxious?', 'Has my child got autism?', 'How do I calm a screaming baby, yelling child, or angry teenager?', and 'What can I do when my child wants to die?' Anxiety, autism, ADHD, and learning problems make school hard. Depression, self-harm, cyberbullying, and eating disorders are part of our complex lives. Stress, busyness, and a digital world changes parenting.

Parenting is Forever reflects the ongoing conversations of a paediatrician with those who care for children. It is influenced by her experience as a parent and from helping more than 30,000 families over twenty-five years. Dr Elizabeth Green shares her practical tips for navigating the developmental stages of childhood. From before birth, through early childhood and adolescence, to adulthood. Parenting is not a competition. It's okay to fail and try again. That's what makes us better parents.

About the Author

Elizabeth Green is cofounder, CEO, and editor in chief of Chalkbeat, a nonprofit education news organization. A former Spencer Fellow at the Columbia School of Journalism, she has written for New York Times Magazine and other publications.