Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition) : Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People

Jackson MacKenzie
Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition) : Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People
Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition) : Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People
ISBN: 9780425279991
Publication Date: 4 January 2016

Jackson MacKenzie is not a mental health professional--but he has experienced the pain, confusion, and abuse from having a relationship with a psychopath and here shares his sory and offers advice to those who have endured the same situation.

After a devastating encounter with a psychopath, survivors seek validation and understanding. This book offers friendship to people who typically feel very alone in their experience.

This significantly expanded edition of the self-published Psychopath Free contains new chapters, updated content, real survivor experiences, and practical advice on how to deal with psychopaths. Written from the heart, it offers hope for healing and thriving after psychopathic abuse.

From the author of Whole Again comes a significantly expanded edition ofPsychopath Free-containing new chapters, updated content, and real survivor experiences-that will help you recover from emotionally abusive relationships with narcissists, sociopaths, and other toxic people.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a psychopath? Chances are, even if you did, you would never know it. Psychopaths are cunning charmers and master manipulators, to the point where you start to accept the most extreme behaviors as normal...Even if it hurts you.

All around us, every single day, human beings devoid of empathy are wreaking havoc and destroying lives in the coldest, most heartless ways imaginable. In constant pursuit of money, sex, influence, or simple entertainment, psychopaths will do whatever it takes to gain power over others. They hide behind a veil of normalcy, arranging their friends and partners like pawns in a game of chess.

Using false praise...