Queer As Folk (U.S.) : Season 3 [DVD][2003]

Reel DVD
Queer As Folk (U.S.) : Season 3 [DVD][2003]

Product Specifications

  • Australian Rating: MA15+
  • Consumer Advice: Strong Sexual References And Sex Scenes, Strong Coarse Language And Drug Use, Strong Themes, Incidental Nudity
  • Format PAL
  • Compatibility: Compatible with all Australian DVD players
  • Disc Format: DVD

Product Description

Politics makes strange bedfellows. But, hey what doesn't? The ground breaking, explosive series about the lives and love of a group of gay friends now adds a provocative new character: a mayoral candidate whose "family values" exclude homosexuals with families, but whose campaign advisors include a certain brilliant young (and gay) ad man. Also new: a teenage hustler who may know too much about the murdered boy found in a dumpster. And it seems everybody is pairing up. Some couples you'd expect. Some you definitely wouldn't. Discover the sensual who's-with-whom in Season 3 of Queer As Folk!