Royal Canin Dermacomfort Loaf Adult Wet Dog Food 12 x 85g

Royal Canin
Royal Canin Dermacomfort Loaf Adult Wet Dog Food 12 x 85g

Royal Canin Dermacomfort Loaf is enriched with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that help to soothe and protect your dog's skin, as well as make it less sensitive to environmental irritants. Some key features of Dermacomfort Loaf are as follows:

  • For adult dogs over 10 months of age.
  • Suits dogs prone to skin irritation and itching.
  • Low allergen formula that reduces the risk of triggering dietary allergies..
  • Ideal to mix with Royal Canin Dermancomfort dry dog foods for a variety in texture.
  • Fortified with nutrients to support and nourish the natural barrier function of the skin.
  • Nutritionally formulated with precise and high-quality protein sources to help support and nourish the skin.
  • Available size: 12 pouches x 85g.

Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives, derivatives of vegetable origin, cereals, minerals, oils and fats, and various sugars. Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3: 200 IU, E1 (Iron): 10 mg, E2 (Iodine): 0.3 mg, E4 (Copper): 2.1 mg, E5 (Manganese): 3.1 mg, E6 (Zinc): 30 mg - Technological additives: Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin: 2.2 g.

Note: Delivery may be delayed up to 3-4 business days if a new batch is available to ensure your pet receives only the freshest and healthiest options.

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