Seven iDP Project 23 Carbon/FG Bike Helmet Pad Set

Seven iDP
Seven iDP Project 23 Carbon/FG Bike Helmet Pad Set

Replacement Pad Set
Make sure your helmet is feeling new and smelling fresh. Have a few sets in rotation to always have fresh pads available.
Fine Tune Fit/Variable Liner Thickness
Use different size liners to adjust helmet fit to your preference.

• XS 8mm (Can also be used to replace a S (6mm) liner to tighten the area around the top of the head)
• S 6mm (Can also be used to replace an XS (8mm) liner to loosen the area around the top of the head)
• M 8mm (Can also be used to replace a L (6mm) liner to tighten the area around the top of the head)
• L 6mm (Can also be used to replace a M (8mm) liner to loosen the area around the top of the head)
• XL 8mm (Can also be used to replace an XXL (6mm) liner to tighten the area around the top of the head)
• XXL 6mm (Can also be used to replace an XL (8mm) liner to loosen the area around the top of the head)