Test Your Dog : The Dog IQ Test - Is Your Dog An Undiscovered Genius? [New Edition]

Rachel Federman
Test Your Dog : The Dog IQ Test - Is Your Dog An Undiscovered Genius? [New Edition]

Test Your Dog : The Dog IQ Test - Is Your Dog An Undiscovered Genius? [New Edition]
ISBN: 9780008149659
Publication Date: 24 September 2015

Does your dog respond to hand gestures?
How about facial signals?
Can he perform tricks both inside and outside?

Now you can find out just how smart your dog really is by giving him or her the Dog IQ Test. With three fun quizzes designed to measure your dog's communication skills, social behaviour, motor skills and memory, you'll finally discover if your dog is really a canine Einstein.

Test Your Dog also comes complete with guidelines on analyzing your dog's score, tips for improving your dog's IQ and amusing illustrations throughout.

About the Author

Rachel Federman is the author of Girl Drinks: 101 Cocktails For Every Occasion and Test Your Dog: The Dog Iq Test. She is the lead singer and bassist for her band, Dimestore Scenario. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.