Text Classics Postcards : 100 Iconic Covers

Various Authors
Text Classics Postcards : 100 Iconic Covers

Text Classics Postcards : 100 Iconic Covers

Text is celebrating the publication of its 100th Classic with a delightful set of 100 collectible postcards featuring W. H. Chong's iconic and original book covers.

From The Australian Ugliness to The Idea of Perfection, The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke to Wake in Fright, The Delinquents to The Women in Black, and The Odd Angry Shot to Owls Do Cry-all the greats of Australian and New Zealand literature are here.

All for the price of a Text Classic.

About the Author

W. H. Chong is design director at Text Publishing. He is a founding member of ABDA (Australian Book Designers Association) where he currently serves as Secretary. His culture blog for Crikey is called Culture Mulcher, he writes on visual art and culture for Daily Review and he writes for the ABDA blog. Chong has spoken about book design on radio and at literary festivals. He was inducted into the Australian Book Designers Hall of Fame in 2013.