The Story of Noah's Ark

Helen Dardik
The Story of Noah's Ark

The Story of Noah's Ark
ISBN: 9780762461844
Publication Date: 6 June 2017

A long time ago, the people of the world were not treating each other kindly. God was very sad, and so he decided to send a flood to cover the entire world. However, one man, Noah, and his family were very good people, so God told Noah to build a big boat and to gather two of every kind of animal to be kept safe in the boat when the floor arrived. Noah did as God commanded and soon he, his family, and all the animals were drifting in the flood waters. After many weeks of waiting, the flood went away and Noah, his family, and the animals were able to again return to land. God set a rainbow in the sky, promising Noah that he would never again flood the earth.

Share this remarkable and classic Bible story with young ones with this delightful new picture book. With stunning art by Helen Dardik, and simplified text for little readers, The Story of Noah's Ark is sure to become a favorite for families.

About the Author

Helen Dardik is a professional illustrator and a surface pattern designer based in Canada. Vibrant, folksy, playful toomuchery is a perfect way to describe her style. Born by the Black Sea, Helen lived in Siberia for a time and then moved to Israel, where she studied art and design. In the early nineties she relocated to Canada, where she got a graphic design degree and found work as a designer and illustrator.