This is Me: The Autobiography by Ian Thorpe

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This is Me: The Autobiography by Ian Thorpe

$30.56 on this page-turning title!

336 pages | Paperback | First published 2013

By the age of 14, at a time when most boys are coming to terms with teenage life, Ian Thorpe was representing his country and becoming the youngest ever individual male world champion. The ‘Thorpedo’ was soon the most famous swimmer in the world, routinely picking up Olympic gold medals and setting record-breaking times. But behind the public face of success, there was the hardship of a life lived in the constant glare of media attention and rumour. As Thorpe continued to work for his fans, he hid away a secret battle against depression and was ushered into retirement at just 24 years of age. Raw, honest and compelling, Thorpe’s memoir brilliantly unveils the costs that sometimes come with unimaginable success.