Tribe of Hackers Security Leaders : Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Cybersecurity Leadership

Marcus J. Carey
Tribe of Hackers Security Leaders : Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Cybersecurity Leadership

Tribe of Hackers Security Leaders : Tribal Knowledge from the Best in Cybersecurity Leadership
ISBN: 9781119643777
Publication Date: 16 March 2020

"Tribe of Hackers" is a collection of insights from dozens of the world's top security experts. In "Tribe of Hackers: Leadership" these experts address questions that CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers), CISSPs (Certified Information Systems Security Professionals), and others in information security leadership roles need answered including:

  • What is a good education and professional background for a CISO?
  • What mix of non-technical and technical skills do you look for in building your security teams?
  • How do you effectively sell your budget and staff needs to your CEO and other business leaders?