Tubtrugs Lightweight Super Durable Plastic Shovel Sky Blue - Sky Blue

Tubtrugs Lightweight Super Durable Plastic Shovel Sky Blue - Sky Blue

Whether youre digging in the garden, mucking out the horse stable, making a giant sandcastle at the beach with the kids or shoveling grain for the chickens, Tubtrugs lightweight Shovels are the ideal tool for the job.

Made of 100 per cent food grade safe plastic, Tubtrugs Shovels are tough, durable and strong. Unlike a metal shovel, your Tubtrugs shovel will never rust or splinter, and doesnt deteriorate in even the harshest conditions. The wide face and short handle make it perfect for close work.

In your garden, the Tubtrugs Shovel makes all your tasks easier. The one-piece molded plastic construction also makes the Tubtrugs lightweight Shovel a lot lighter than traditional metal shovels - weighing in at only 1.2kg, it wont add excess weight to the load. And because it has such a wide face, its great for every load. Its also strong enough to stand up to just about anything your garden throws at it!

On the farm, the Tubtrugs Shovel comes into its own. Its food grade safe plastic construction means you can shovel feed without any worries, and you know its safe enough to eat off! In fact, we have some customers who even use it in their kitchens when theyre decanting bulk purchases like oats, rice, flour and even dog-food into smaller containers for use.

Because its light, bright and strong, your Tubtrugs Shovel is also a great tool for the kids. Whether they want to start their own veggie patch, build the biggest sandcastle and moat on the beach or dig for hidden treasure, the Tubtrugs Shovel is up to the challenge.

Attack your jobs head on, add the Tubtrugs Shovel to your basket now.