Unearthly Beauty - Paperback

SPCK Publishing
Unearthly Beauty - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Magdalen Smith | ISBN-13: 9780281077182 | Format: Paperback Publisher: SPCK Publishing | Publication Date: 2017-08-17 | Pages: 128 | Product Dimensions: 144 x 219 x 10mm | Weight: 182g |

Advent is about arrival - the arrival of Jesus into our world in poverty and vulnerability amidst unusual circumstances. For the world then, as now, Christ's coming generated a mixed response from a variety of people - anxiety, threat, expectation and hope. For Christians, entering Advent calls for fresh reflection on our faith, and this book aims to provide stimulating material for the journey up to (and including) Christmas. It is inspired by well-known, as well as more obscure, holy people from the past whom the church calls saints - people of unearthly beauty who reveal to us a deeper understanding of the fluid nature of divine grace.