Wax Gourd F1 seeds

Happy Valley Seeds
Wax Gourd F1 seeds

Wax Gourd (Ash Gourd) seedsBenincasa hispida
Pack: 10 seeds, 5g, 25g

Benincasa hispida, the wax gourd, also called Ash Gourd, white gourd, petha, kohla, Neer poosanikai, winter gourd, tallow gourd, ash pumpkin, and winter melon and "Chinese preserving melon" is a vine grown for its very large fruit, eaten as a vegetable when mature.

The yogis of India have long regarded Ash gourd as one of the most naturally energizing foods due to its high quotient of what yogic science refers to as "prana", or vital life energy.

In India, the wax gourd is recognized for its medicinal properties in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It also has significance in the spiritual traditions of India and Yoga, where it is identified as a great source of Prana (vital life energies)*.

* -gourd-winter-melon-cool-vegetable-benefits-recipes

Benefits of Wax Gourd (Ash Gourd)

The sharpness of Mind:

Just drink one glass of ash gourd juice in the morning and you will see a tremendous amount of coolness in the body, while at the same time it brings alertness into you. Daily consumption of ash gourd greatly enhances your intellectual capabilities. Especially children must drink ash gourd juice. If you drink it for one week, you will notice a distinct change in the sharpness of your mind. This is very highly pranic (full of vital life energies). Every day, if you drink a glass of ash gourd juice in the morning, you will see it will do wonders for your intellect. Your intellect will be very sharp and it brings energy without agitation in the system. Daily consumption of ash gourd will do miracles for you.

Increased Energy:

Consumption of ash gourd brings an enormous amount of energy, at the same time it keeps your nerves very calm. If you drink coffee, it gives you energy with agitation. If you drink a glass of ash gourd, it gives you an enormous amount of energy and still keeps you calm.

Constipation, Piles, Boils:

If you consume a little bit of ash gourd juice, it cools down the system. This is beneficial for people who excess heat in the body, which can produce problems like boils, piles (hemorrhoids) and constipation problems.

It is the only member of the genus Benincasa. The fruit is fuzzy when young. The immature melon has thick white flesh that is sweet when eaten. By maturity, the fruit loses its hairs and develops a waxy coating, giving rise to the name wax gourd, and providing a long shelf life. The melon may grow as large as 80 cm in length. It has yellow flowers and broad leaves.

The wax gourd requires very warm weather to grow but can be stored for many months much like winter squash. The Wax Gourd can typically be stored for 12 months.

Sowing Instructions

Mainly warm-climate vegetable, in other climate zones, Sow after frost in spring; in tropical areas sow during the dry season, need a minimum of 27-32oC soil temperature to germinate which takes 7-10days. Pre-soak seeds in hot water at 45oC for 20 minutes, then soak them in warm water at 30oC for 24 hours. Sow 2cm deep, 50cm apart. Harvest after 90days for storage, 21-28 days to eat straight away like a Zucchini.

You may need to invest in a temperature-controlled heat pad or mini power greenhouse to germinate these seeds, if you are living in temperate or cooler zones or starting seeds during early spring when the weather remains cool, especially at night time.

This is an F1 hybrid so is not suitable for seed saving.