What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism

Jonathan Levy
What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism
ISBN: 9781402209185
Publication Date: 17 October 2007

"All children with autism have ways of dropping into their own world, leaving us behind for a minute, an hour, a day."

This is the essence of autism: a disorder that is, at its heart, about interaction. Many of the symptoms associated with autism come from either a lack of paying attention to other people or a lack of interest in joining in with the rest of the world.

Because this is the case, it is important that when you work with your child, you are addressing the core issue of autism: your child, for one reason or another, is not spending enough time in our interactive world.

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism gives you the best techniques you can do ? right now ? to work with your child and draw him or her back into our interactive world.

The ten techniques in the book are not just explained in detail, they are also illustrated by true stories of Mr. Levy's work with children with autism (and their parents).

Topics include:

Don't React: How you respond to your child's behaviors can make all the difference. Learn why most people are ineffective in discouraging their child's 'problem' behaviors and how you can do it differently.

Make Eye Contact a Priority: Understand why eye contact is vital to your child's development and easy steps you can take to help your child to look more.

Join with the Stims: A different and powerful approach to your child's self stimulating and repetitious behaviors.

Respond Differently to Crying: Most of us give children great reasons to cry and act unhappy. Learn to teach your child a more effective way to communicate with you and the rest of the world.

Give Your Child as much Control as Possible: Most children with autism are told "No" much of the time by th...