White Fragility: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism Book by Robin DiAngelo

White Fragility: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism Book by Robin DiAngelo

The book for our times, White Fragility opens a conversation we all ought to be having: "Anger. Fear. Guilt. Denial. Silence. These are the ways in which ordinary white people react when it is pointed out to them that they have done or said something that has - unintentionally - caused racial offence or hurt. After, all, a racist is the worst thing a person can be, right? But these reactions only serve to silence people of colour..." A practical take on combating implicit bias and racism, this bestseller is a great place to begin introspection - or give it to someone you love who could use a gentle nudge. 


  • Title: White Fragility
  • Subtitle: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
  • Author: Robin DiAngelo
  • Publisher: Penguin UK
  • Genre: Politics & Culture 
  • Non-fiction
  • No. of pages: 192
  • Black and white 
  • Paperback 
  • Dimensions (approx. cm): 19.6 x 12.9  x 1.2